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Update from Arendal - July 28, 2023

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

Dear Cabin Crew,

This is our latest update from Arendal:

1. Grievance Hearing and Settlement

Representatives from Management and the AFA met for a grievance hearing to find solutions to several open grievances filed by the AFA in June and July. Representing Management was Vegard Flaten Andreassen, Yngve Carlsen, Miika Inkilainen, Kristen Berthelsen.

In the grievance hearing, the Management and the AFA agreed to resolve the following issues:

Jumpseat Agreements:

The grievance will be closed with the condition that all outstanding issues with the jumpseat listing process by August 10, 2023 and the promise that the company will support the AFA’s efforts to negotiate additional agreements.

Hotel Consultation for IAD and FCO:

The grievance will be closed with the condition that the AFA will have an opportunity to evaluate both hotels by August 10, 2023 and if not satisfied with the current hotels, the Company will initiate the consultation process to select a new hotel by August 24th.

OSL hotel ground transport:

The grievance will be closed with the condition that the company develop a ground transportation policy that addresses instances taking the train during inclement weather.

Breakfast at crew hotels:

The grievance will be closed with the condition that the Company and the AFA setup a meeting to discuss a per diem adjustment that will result in a signed letter of agreement by August 31st .

Management and the AFA were not able to come to an agreement on the Scheduling Grievance that involves the lack of an automated bidding system and signed scheduling policy.

The decision was made that we would have regular meetings in person and on Teams to attempt to resolve all open issues in accordance with our CBA. If the meetings do not result in any progress, the next step of the grievance process involves Binding Arbitration.


2. Meeting in Arendal with Sara

AFA International President Sara Nelson flew in from D.C. and spoke to our CEO Bjorn Tore Larsen and other company leaders to express the struggles and challenges the Norse cabin crew currently deal with. Sara spoke about the benefits of a bidding system, the affect that the AOC separation is having on the crew, and made it clear that working with the Union will be in the best interests of the Company. She also offered assistance through her influence as a leader in the International Transport Federation (ITF) in lobbying the aviation regulators (i.e., UK CAA) to make it easier for Norse to employ crew under two AOCs.

Bjorn Tore appreciated Sara’s feedback and agreed that continued cooperation with the Union would be beneficial to the Company and the cabin crew. Bjorn Tore gave an overall overview of the current of the company including what we’ve achieved, the current challenges we face, and what we need to work on.


3. Meet the CEO meeting in JFK and FLL

Our petition “Year 2 for Norse Cabin Crew” signed by 244 US Cabin Crew, had a positive effect on Norse Management including our CEO Bjorn Tore Larsen. Based on our meetings with Bjorn Tore in Arendal, it’s clear that cabin crew speaking up matters. Bjorn Tore said that crew coming up to him in person at the airport, on the plane, etc. has allowed him to understand what issues that are important to the crew.

Bjorn Tore shared some information with the Union about the current state of affairs at Norse and we think that it would be beneficial for the crew to have an honest conversation in person with Bjorn Tore. If you are off, please attend one of the meetings, which will be:

at JFK on August 1st at 1100: Sheraton La Guardia East: 135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing 11354
at FLL on August 2nd at 1100: Norse Office 5525 NW 15th Avenue, Suite 202, Fort Lauderdale 33309


4. UK AOC discussion

The Union asked the Company for an update on our proposed letter of agreement that will allow new US Cabin Crew hired this year to work UK flights. The Company said they need to consult with all appropriate parties (operations, training, and network planning) to respond to our proposed letter of agreement. They said they will respond in no later than 2 weeks.


5. Swap App delay

We asked Management why there is a delay in the swapping module that was promised months ago. Management responded that the app allowed swaps that would compromise the operation.

The Company has solicited the help of a consultant from the US with many years of experience with scheduling and swapping functions. He is arriving to Arendal in few days to help Norse develop functional swapping system.


6. Winter Schedule not final

The winter schedule has not been finalized yet which is causing the next round of vacation bidding to be released and pairings not being finalized. Right now, planning does not know what pairings will look like for the winter schedule. Please disregard any rumors of where crew from certain bases and AOCs will fly to because pairings will not be worked on until the winter schedule is final.


7. Zoom meeting

We will meet with you at 1 pm Eastern TODAY on Zoom as planned previously. The link to the Zoom meeting is:


In Unity,

Katarzyna, Ted, and Ish