Scheduling and FTL
Flight Time Limitations (FTL)
For more details on Flight Time Limitations, refer to OM-A Chapter 7 and to EASA : ORO. FRL 105 and ORO. FTL 245
You can find a full cheat sheet for this, prepared by one of our instructors, here -> EASA FTL
Here are some important highlights:
Total flight time when crew is active (operating crew) shall not exceed:
100 hours of flight time in any 28 consecutive days.
900 hours of flight time in any calendar year = January 1st- December 31st
1000 hours of flight time in any 12 consecutive calendar months, e.g., June 2022- June 2023
Minimum Rest at HOME BASE after a trip shall be 36 hours, including 2 local nights.
Minimum rest AWAY from Home Base during a trip is as long as the preceding duty period, or 14 hours, whichever is greater.
INFLIGHT REST falls into two categories:
Nutritional breaks: during the Flight Duty Period (FDP) exceeding 6 hours, there shall be the opportunity for a meal and drink. This shall be for a minimum of 15 minutes. If the FDP encompasses the regular meal windows (e.g., if FDP starts at 11:00 hours and ends at 22:00 hours), two meals opportunities should be given
Inflight rest: The crew is allowed to to be utilized for a FDP of up to 14:30 hours with a minimum in-flight rest period of a consecutive 90-minutes for each crew member, and 120 minutes for the flight crew members at control during landing. After that, rest time increases by 15 additional minutes for every additional 30 minutes of FDP.
Rosters are released by crew planning a minimum of 14 days before the new month starts.
You can access your roster by going to or by downloading the "PDC CrewConnex" app from the app store on your mobile device. Please see the instructions to download the PDC CrewConnex app HERE.
Bidding & Swaps
Norse currently does not have an official bidding system.
There is currently a swap functionality in the PDC app which was put in place on January 2, 2024. There are some glitches with the system that we are aware of. When you find issues with the app, please reach out to [email protected]
Reminder: Please ensure that the swaps being requested do not violate FTL.
Day Off Requests
You are required to have 12 days off scheduled every month on your roster.
However, You are allowed to request up to 4 days off using CrewConnex. Please follow the guidelines set forward by Crew Planning.
Please note that the company can ask you to sell or change days off for operational needs but they must have your permission to do so. Acknowledging a change to your roster is considered permission!
RSV10 = 10 hour call out period. NOT considered duty
SBY3 = 3 hour call out period. Considered a part of your Flight Duty Period.
If crew control needs to utilise you on a day that you have RSV, they must notify you a minimum of 10 hours prior.
If crew control needs to utilise you during your SBY period, they must give you minimum 3hrs notice.
If you are having any issues with rostering or scheduling, please contact the scheduling committee at [email protected]
*Page updated February 27, 2024 at 10am EST