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Centrik and Reporting

Safety Reporting is an important part of the culture at Norse.

Norse uses Centrik as their reporting system. It also doubles as the place where all our manuals, newsletters, and notices are found.

There are several different types of reports that can be written using this system

Centrik and Reporting

For most of us, there are some reports that we will use more often than others and these are the general situations that are most common. This list is NOT exhaustive

  • Fatigue Safety Report (FSR) for then we feel fatigued due to a particular pattern/pairing/interrupted rest due to check-in delays, etc
  • CTSER (Catering and Service Reports) for all things related to catering including missing meals, Panasonic and other equipment issues, expired products, etc
  • Hotel Quality Reports (HOTLR) for issues including missing or broken items in hotel rooms, cleanliness concerns and check-in delays that do not affect sleep duration
  • Cleaning reports (CLE) for all cleaning activities related to the aircraft area, excluding safety-related information
  • Health & Safety Report (HSE) for concerns affecting the physical or mental working environment, excluding flight operation-related injures. EG: I feel sick when I go to crew rest on LN-FNC and I am worried the plane needs to be deep cleaned/sanitized.

To access Centrik and write a report, follow these steps:

Centrik Login Page
  • Input your flynorse email and password
  • You will end up on the home page. Select "Safety"
Centrik Report Types
  • It will take you to the Safety Report home screen. You will see 5 different tabs for reports to write. 
    • Safety Occurrence Report
      • Air Safety Report
      • Cabin Safety Report
      • Hazard Report
      • Fatigue Safety Report
      • Operations Control Centre
      • Engineering Safety Report
      • Ground Safety Report
      • Security Report
      • Training Safety Report
    • Health & Safety (HSE) Report 
    • Hotel Quality Reports
    • Catering and Service Reports
    • Cleaning Reports
  • Select the tab that best represents your report and select "Start New Report"
Centrik Report Page
  • Fill in all the information on the the screen. Sections highlighted orange are mandatory. Feel free to input any recommendations and include any attachments such as photos in your report
Centrik Report Page
  • Once you are finished, select "Finish and Submit" and your report will be sent to management
Centrik Report Submitting
  • Once your report is sent, return to your Safety home screen and select "My Cases"
    • You will see the number of reports you have written, both open and closed, highlighted on the My Cases button
Centrik Cases
  • Select the case and open the report.
View Centrik Case
  •  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Download Report" .
Download Centrik Report


Once your report has been downloaded, send a copy of it via email to your union. 

*Page updated July 4, 2024 at 3:28pm EDT*

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