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Union Update August 6, 2023

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

Dear Colleagues,

One of our goals is to communicate clearly and effectively with all Norse US based flight attendants.

When you receive a Newsletter it will mean there are some important information about immediate future or immediate past. Please make a habit of reading the Newsletters to be aware of what’s happening.

In light of the recent Social Media policy that the Company recently announced, we as a Union have decided to have more frequent Zoom meetings. To insure our Zoom meetings are a safe space for our members to speak freely, honestly and without fear, the Union will soon required "authentication" order to attend future Zoom meetings.  "Authentication" means people who attend the meeting are who they say they are. You will only need to authenticate once. To preserve the privacy of the meeting discussion, the meetings will no be longer be recorded and shared afterward.

We requested a Teams meeting with Operations/ crew control/ crew planning during the week of August 14th, 2023 to address and resolve the following issues:
1. Staffing ( crew composition) ratio of brand new vs seasoned crew on each flight and the amount of time necessary for a CCM to longer be considered "new" for operational purposes.
2. Protocol to train brand new crew onboard focusing on service flow and crew coordination.
3. Protocol to communicate serious delays/ incidents affecting crew in a base where such event is taking place.
4. Manual swapping issues and implementation of the automated app
5. Seniority violations regarding CCMs trained before Jan 1, 2023 and awarded the UK AOC still flying for the NO AOC (not caused by the CCM, but by poor planning).
6. Scheduling Article to be discussed again with emphasis on Scheduling Committee involvement in construction of bid lines suitable for swapping.

The next Union update will be sent after the Ops/Crew Control meeting.

In Unity,

Katarzyna, Ted, and Ish