Roster and Union Committee Update January 14, 2023
Norse Cabin Crew,
This Union Update discusses the following issues:
1. February Rosters
2. Committee Positions
3. Seniority List
1) February Rosters and Future plans
As most of us have seen by now, February rosters are a disappointment. This was expected due to the fact that we are still operating with a winter schedule. We are told by Management that once flights are added for the summer schedule (which start in the spring), rosters will be more robust with more trips. JFK will see more nonstop destinations and FLL (we are told) will have W-patterns due to the limited amount of flights to/from OSL. In our last meeting with the CEO, the AFA told Bjorn Tore that if Rosters don’t improve this summer, crew will leave Norse to seek employment elsewhere. The AFA and Bjorn Tore made a verbal agreement where 1) the Company will strive to have rosters pay 75 block hours every month and 2) the Company will utilize the AFA Scheduling Committee to help build pairings and rosters for the crew to bid on. The Schedule Committee members were just appointed by the Union this week and we will provide more details in the coming weeks. As a reminder, until we develop a “roster bidding” solution, please continue to utilize CrewConnex as you do now by requesting days off. If you request more than 4 days off, specify whether or not it is a soft request (preference, without having to utilize vacation days) or a hard request, meaning, you want to utilize your personal or vacation days to be guaranteed the additional days off.
2) Committee Positions
Last month, the AFA requested interest for the Uniform, Grievance, and Scheduling Committees. We received interest from many people and though we couldn’t appoint everyone who applied, we are happy to announce that we have chosen the best and most qualified individuals from JFK and FLL bases with vast experience. The new committee members are as follows:
Scheduling Committee:
Ayana Thomas
Jovan Acosta
Lincoln McMahon
Uniform Committee:
Viviana Capelo
Grievance Committee:
Ismael Ramos
Andrea Siliggi
3) Seniority List
Some of you have asked when we are coming out with a seniority list. After the final training class from the pre-hire list completes training, a new seniority list will be created. After this training class graduates, everyone from the pre hire list who is not currently employed with Norse will be removed from the list. The list will be released sometime mid-February.