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October 19th 2023 meeting update

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

Dear crew,

Today AFA met with the Management to discuss the issues mentioned in our last newsletter.

Here is an update:

1. AFA came to an agreement with the Norse Management that all US based crew will be trained to hold dual qualifications on NO AOC and UK AOC. Training will start during the W23 and be finished before the S24. As a result the company will be able to better utilize currently employed crew and crew will have more opportunities to fly most robust pairings.

2. We also did ask specifically about the crew who are qualified on NO AOC but are to expire in November and December. We were promised that the management will work the logistics associated with the training and will come up with the plan next week.

3. We also discussed the topic of the NEOS charter flights, but the contract hasn’t been signed by NEOS yet. We agreed that the day it has been signed by both parties we will disclose all pertinent information and plan the logistics together with the management.

4. We addressed the urgency of the current, poor crew utilization and the need to come to a resolution. As a result of this discussion we have a meeting scheduled next week with the crew planning. 
To help us prepare the best we can we need you help. We will send you a quick survey to gather a data of what the monthly BLH would you be ok with. Also we would like to know how many of us would be willing to take long ( minimum one month long) unpaid LOA starting in January 2024. We are attaching the 2 questions survey here:


Thank you for reading our updates. Once again we would like to ask you to direct all questions, comments and suggestions to our email at : info@norse from your personal email account .

In Unity,

Katarzyna, Ted and Ish