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Union Update October 8, 2022

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

Dear Norse Cabin Crew:

In this Union update, we will discuss the following items:

1. Cuts to Winter Schedule (LAX & MCO)

2. Time Off during Winter Season

3. Travel Benefits

4. Zoom Update


Cuts to Winter Schedule (LAX & MCO)

By now you have heard about the final cuts to the winter schedule that involve the discontinuation of flights to LAX and early discontinuation of flights to MCO. This has caused some of you to have pairings “pulled” from the second half of the month. Starting November 1st, flights between JFK and BER are being reduced to 3x per week. Flights between FLL and BER are still scheduled to commence on December 7th.

Time Off during Winter Season

Since there will be a reduction of flying during the winter, Norse should be in a position to offer the crew time off in the form of trip drops, part-time schedules, and full-time leaves of absence. Please fill out this quick survey to let us know if you want to request time off OR work more during the winter months:

Everyone should fill out this survey, regardless if you want to take time off or not during the winter.

Travel Benefits

Norse travel benefits have finally been announced. While this should be an exciting moment for everyone, it turned out to be a disappointment. We were originally told that staff travel would be “free” for employees. This turned out to not be the truth. Not only are employees asked to be charged unnecessary fees of up to $50 each way, but we are expected to pay extra fees to bring on our carryon luggage and/or to check our luggage. No other airline (including Norwegian) forced its employees to pay fees to bring their luggage with them. The AFA has expressed our disappointment to the CEO and he has promised to schedule a meeting with us regarding this issue. We still don’t have an explanation of what our “join date” will be for Staff Travel Purposes.

Zoom Update

A Union Zoom meeting has been scheduled for Friday October 14th at 12PM Eastern Time. Please attend if you are able:

Meeting ID: 852 8867 9032
Passcode: 199029
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,85288679032#,,,,*199029# US
+19292056099,,85288679032#,,,,*199029# US (New York)

If you have any questions before then, please email us at [email protected]