May 2023 HRE Newsletter

Hello from your local Human Rights and Equity (HRE) Committee!
Welcome to your first monthly HRE newsletter. Every month the committee will share information with the crew about certain HRE issues. We also seek to highlight, celebrate, and recognize certain causes and encourage members to take part in actions and activities related to those causes.
What is the mission of the AFA Human Rights and Equity (HRE) Committee?
The AFA Human Rights and Equity Committee is committed to providing the broadest possible representation of our members regardless of age, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, differently abled, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. We honor and celebrate the shared humanity of the members in our care. We shall at all times endeavor to promote the principles of tolerance, fairness, equity, justice, respect and inclusion within our Union. It is only when we all band together and work together that we can rally against the walls of division to create a progressive culture that values social and economic justice for all working people.
The AFA HRE has two (2) surveys that they would like the crew to take.
The first one is an HRE Survey to learn about our membership and how you would like us to approach our work as a committee.
The second survey is about Uniform Gender Expression and seeks to identify how the crew feels about uniform choices, policies & guidelines at our airline and how it relates to their gender.
We ask you to fill out these surveys as soon as possible.
In the month of May we celebrate and recognize the following:
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month/Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM)
Mental Health Awareness (MHA) Month
What is mental health?
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
Can your mental health change over time?
Yes, it’s important to remember that a person’s mental health can change over time, depending on many factors. When the demands placed on us exceed our resources and coping abilities, our mental health could be impacted.
How common are mental illnesses?
Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States. More than 1 in 5 US adults live with a mental illness. About 1 in 25 U.S. adults lives with a serious mental illness, such as major depression.
What causes mental illness?
There is no single cause for mental illness. A number of factors can contribute to risk for mental illness, such as
- Adverse Childhood experiences such as trauma or a history of abuse
- Experiences related to other ongoing (chronic) medical conditions, such as cancer or diabetes
- Biological factors or chemical imbalances in the brain
- Use of alcohol or drugs
- Having feelings of loneliness or isolation
How can you protect and support your own mental well-being?
Evaluate your mental well-being on a routine basis just like you are advised to do for your physical health. Your AFA EAP can help you connect with a professional to assist you with that process or to address any concerns you may have about your or a loved one’s mental health. Your local AFA EAP committee can be reached at 1-800-424-2406.
Labor History Month
What can you do to support/recognize these?
- Wear your AANHPI AFA Pin
- Support AANHPI-owned businesses
- Educate yourselves on the different ethnic groups that fall under the AANHPI umbrella
- Learn more about the Jewish American experience (you can start HERE)
- Support Jewish American owned businesses
- Learn more about Mental Health Awareness Month and this year’s theme #MoreThanEnough (Start HERE)
- Learn more about key events in labor history in the US including the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, The Great Postal Strike of 1970 & more!
Here are some additional dates to note this month:
- MAY 1 - International Workers Day aka May Day
- MAY 1 - Lei Day (Hawaii)
- MAY 5 - Cinco de Mayo (it’s more than just a drinking holiday!)
- MAY 14 - Mother’s Day
- May 17- International Day against homo/bi/transphobia
- MAY 23 - CWA Human Rights event for AANHPI Heritage Month
- MAY 29 - Memorial Day
Join CWA Human Rights for Building Community Power: Now and Then, our 2023 celebration of AANHPI Heritage Month! We will hold an online presentation and panel on Tuesday, May 23, at 7pm EST, on what building community power for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander workers has looked like in the past and the present day.
We are excited to facilitate a discussion with panelists from the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Empowering Pacific Islander Communities, and the International Women’s Alliance. AANHPI workers, as well as all union siblings and allies, are encouraged to attend.
Pride Month
The AFA HRE has started coordinating events for Pride Month.
If you have any connections to the Pride Parade/Events in any destinations we fly to, or in your home base, please reach out to me at [email protected] and I will pass the information on to leadership.
Union Pins
I currently have union pins in my possession to distribute to the JFK crew. Valentin currently will be distributing union pins to the FLL base. If you need a union pin, please reach out to me.
If you would like to attend an AFA HRE meeting or have suggestions for causes or activities to highlight, feel free to reach out to me any time.
Happy Flying!
Jhenelle (she/her)
HRE Committee Representative
AFA Statement on AFGE-TSA Contract and Collective Bargaining Rights