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AFA Membership Drive August 2022

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

Norse Cabin Crew,

In the next two weeks, you will see fellow Norse cabin crew handing out AFA Membership Forms and Dues Check Off forms. Please fill out both forms and hand it back to the crew member, who will then mail in the forms to our D.C. Office.

 Filling out both forms is very important. The AFA Membership Form allows you to start receiving union benefits, but more importantly, allows you to participate in union meetings and voting. You cannot vote in the upcoming Tentative Agreement (CBA) vote unless you fill out an AFA Membership Form. The Dues Check Off form is just as important. The month after our CBA is voted in, we will start paying union dues of $50/month ($25 per pay check). You don't have to worry about paying your dues when the time comes because the Dues Check Off form will allow your dues to be automatically payroll deducted. This ensures that you will never become delinquent and become a member in bad standing.

If you want to fill out both forms and mail it in yourself, you're welcome to do so, but please ensure you mail it in to: AFA-CWA, 501 3rd St NW, Washington DC 20001. This is the address listed on the bottom of the forms.



When filling out the AFA Membership form, please complete all of the fields clearly. The information you put down on the Membership form will become part of your permanent record within the AFA. Where it says "Bidding Seniority Date," put May 2021 if you were on the Pre-Hire list. If you weren't on the Pre-Hire list, please put the date you started training. When filling out the Dues Check Off form, you can put "Council 4" where it says "Previous AFA Council." Where it says "Initiation Fee," you can leave it blank or put "0" because there is no longer an initiation fee for the AFA. Monthly Dues are $50.

We need to get the forms signed ASAP. Until we get the forms filled out with everyone's current address, we won't be able to mail out the ballots for everyone to participate in the Tentative Agreement/CBA vote. If you have any questions about filling out either form, please contact us at: [email protected]

We look forward to getting your forms signed and scheduling the TA/CBA vote ASAP!
