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Reduction of Crew Onboard and Other Issues

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

Dear AFA Member,

We are providing an update to you on the following issues:

Decision to Reduce Crew Onboard

As many of you have noticed, our trips in April are rostered with only 8 cabin crew members. This was an unexpected and unannounced change that surprised everyone. The Union immediately contacted Management and we were told that an executive decision was made to reduce the normal crew compliment from 9 to 8 cabin crew members. This Union disagrees with this decision and has formally asked Management to reconsider. You can read the AFA’s letter to Management HERE.

Lower and middle management are sympathetic to the Union’s position, but they don’t have anything to do with the decision This staffing decision lies with the Executive Team and that’s the reason why we wrote a formal letter. We will update you once we hear a response.

Crew hotel at CDG

The new crew hotel at CDG is the Courtyard CDG Central. There are two Courtyard hotels at CDG—one outside of the airport in the middle of nowhere and one on the airport property. We are staying at the hotel located on the airport property. The Company did notify the Union ahead of time of the hotel selection being made but we weren’t given any options—it was the Courtyard CDG Central and that was it.

To be honest, when the company told us that they already chose the hotel, we were expecting much worse. Rather than get upset, we are seeing this as a "lesson learned" and we must be more proactive when it comes to choosing crew hotels. We are going to take the initiative in LGW, JFK, and FCO by flying there and doing the vetting ourselves. We cannot count on the company to come to us and ask "what we think" when they have already made up their mind.


The JFK base will soon be bidding on which AOC they will be working for. Because of the more complicated situation in JFK where the base is expected to double in the next few months with new hires that aren't UK qualified, we have asked the Company to hold a Teams meeting. We told Management that they need to hold the meeting before bidding starts. FLL crew will also be welcome on the Teams meeting to ask questions.

PULSE Survey

The 3-question Company "PULSE" survey closed on Sunday. We are glad the Company conducted the survey because we want them to know how the crew really feel about their jobs here at Norse. The Company said they would publish the results of the survey and we will follow up with them to ensure that the results are published. Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]