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Mass Deportation - Know Your Rights for AFA Members

In the lead up to and after inauguration, AFA members have reached out to our union with questions about this administration’s plans to conduct “mass deportations” and target immigrant communities. These members have expressed deep concerns for their personal safety and the safety of their loved ones.

In addition to safety concerns, many have expressed a moral objection to participating in immigration enforcement action and asked our union for guidance if they are asked to participate in some way while at work, either operating flights, at the airport, or while at our layover hotels. 

Within days of inauguration, the White House began extreme immigration raids across the country, especially focused in urban areas. These raids have already resulted in the harassment and even false detention of US citizens and legal residents, including our veterans, Native Americans, and authorized migrants. 

This is not a theoretical issue for AFA. Almost exactly five years ago, Mesa AFA Flight Attendant member and DREAMer Selene Saavedra Roman was detained by ICE during the course of her job duties and held for nearly six weeks before AFA was made aware and led a public campaign that freed her. 


In recent weeks, AFA members have expressed to our union serious concern for the safety of their families and themselves, including fear of profiling by out-of-control immigration enforcement

In addition to safety concerns, many Flight Attendants remember all too clearly when the first Trump administration used our commercial flights during its efforts to separate children from their families. Our union spoke up and worked with our airlines to stop this practice, but considering the president’s pledge to separate families in this current enforcement, many are deeply concerned that they will be asked to participate in separating families.

There is also a significant volume of mis- and disinformation circulating that adds to the fear that many have expressed to us. 

In this moment, it is more important than ever that our union communicates proactively, clearly and accurately with members so they know their rights and know our union stands with them. 


Know your rights


Our union is our strength

  • It is critical that AFA members know that our union stands with them
  • If a member or their family member is detained by ICE, it is important that they contact our union immediately
  • Our union will fight for every member who is wrongfully detained or who experiences stress or trauma as a result of unlawful or extreme actions

Member with moral objection

  • In 2018, we were able to protect members who expressed a moral or ethical opposition to participating in family separation via deportation flights
  • We are working on guidance for those members
  • In the meantime, members should contact their Local to learn about their rights to refuse to participate in flights that are used for deportation actions


As aviation’s first responders and last line of defense, we know security is essential and benefits us all. We support humane and reasonable enforcement of our nation’s laws, but we will oppose any extreme, inhumane or unlawful targeting of law-abiding immigrants. Our union will defend our members at every step. 


In Solidarity,
Sara Nelson, Keturah Johnson & Dante Harris