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July 2024 Union Update

Dear Crew,

In this newsletter, we will be discussing our Per Diem Increase, Ground Transportation Policy, updates from various committees, and a note about Centrik Reports.


Per Diem Increase

We have negotiated an increase in per diem for crew which is effective immediately.

Our per diem has increased from $3.25 to $3.75

Read the details of the settlement below.

Per Diem Settlement


Ground Transportation Policy

The company has agreed to create a ground transportation policy which allows for the crew to request transportation services during adverse weather conditions and have those services be reimbursed. 

Please see this policy below. 

ground transportation policy


Human Rights and Equity Updates

Your HRE Chair will be attending the CWA Human Rights Conference in Houston from August 11-14, 2024. There, she will also be presenting a workshop on behalf of the International AFA-CWA Human Rights & Equity Committee entitled "Sex & Gender Identity in the Workplace and in our Unions". 

The most recent HRE newsletters are all housed on the website and can be found HERE

For those in JFK who still need union pins, reach out to Jhen (she/her) to see if you can coordinate pickup of pins.


Aircraft Health, Safety and Environment Updates

Your HSE committee chair would like you all to fill out a survey to see if crew members have been affected by the air quality on Norse aircraft and on which planes these issued have occurred.

This survey is anonymous and only uses your crew base as an identifier. Please fill it out as soon as possible so that we are able use this data to discuss the issues with the company.

Aircraft Wellness Survery


Benefits Committee Updates

Our benefits committee is working hard to secure deals and agreements for crew.

They negotiated our Brightline discount agreement and were negotiating an agreement which would have allowed for special gym membership deals for crew. Unfortunately there were technical difficulties that would not allow for us to enact the gym membership deal, and so it has been paused while we look for a solution.

To that aim, the committee would like to know what kind of benefits and deals to negotiated on the crew's behalf.

Please fill out the survey below to detail what kind of benefits you would like the committee to negotiate on our behalf. This survey is anonymous and only uses your crew base as an identifier. 

Benefits Survey

Reminder: This has nothing to do with Flight Benefits/MyIDTravel/ID90 as those negotiated by the company's staff travel department

Scheduling Committee Updates

Our scheduling committee is communicating with the Crew Scheduling department to see when we will be able to bid for Winter vacations. 

When the information has been finalized, we will send an update with details.


Centrik Reports 

As a reminder, it is very important for crew to write Centrik reports when they have issues on the aircraft and in the hotels. Please follow the Centrik reporting guidelines and send a copy of your report/information about your report to the union at [email protected] and cc the appropriate committee. 

For hotel issues including long waits for rooms, improper cleaning, etc and issues with crew transport, be sure to cc [email protected]

For issues with aircraft air quality and other health and safety issues, cc [email protected]

For issues with rosters and scheduling, cc [email protected]

For general issues that apply to safety, please always send directly to [email protected]

If you are unsure of how to file a report, you can find information on centrik and reporting on our website HERE


You can also find a directory of all our union officers and committee representatives, including contact information on the website HERE


Happy Flying

Ted & Ish