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August 2024 Union Update

Dear Crew,

In this newsletter, we will be discussing Hotel Stays while on W patterns, Committee Openings, Upcoming In Person LEC Meetings, Upcoming Negotiations, and MEC and Committee Updates.


Hotel Stays on W Patterns

Management sent an email on July 8 discussing the necessity of crews to stay in the crew hotels while on their W patterns. The email was sent from our DFO, and includes an extract from the EASA Regulations which reads as follows:

“The UK/EASA FTL regulations regarding back-to-back operations requires that the company provides a hotel between sectors 2 and 3. It is mandatory that the Crew member must occupy the hotel room as part of the back-to-back pattern.”

As a result, it is very important for crew to ensure they are following this regulation, and are staying in their crew hotels while on these patterns, even while in their home base.


Committee Openings

We are currently seeking representatives for our Grievance Committee.

The Grievance Committee’s primary objective is to enforce our CBA and protect all Norse CCMs against arbitrary and unjust treatment. Committee Members will be responsible for filing grievances, interacting with Norse HR department, and working with AFA Staff Attorneys.

We are seeking one representative from JFK, one representative from MIA, and one MEC Chair of that committee.

Please submit letters of interest, including any previous experience in this area, to [email protected]


In Person LEC Meetings 

The MEC is working on doing some in person LEC meetings in MIA and JFK next month.

Once the dates and locations have been finalised, they will be communicated to the crew.


Upcoming Negotiations

We will soon begin negotiations for a new contract. We will be sending out a survey to the crew in the coming weeks for them to express what issues matter most to them and what they would like to see in the new contract.

Be on the lookout for this.


Aircraft Health, Safety and Environment Updates

The Aircraft Air Quality survey has been very eye opening.

We see that a lot of crew across both AOCs are experiencing ENT issues on the aircraft, particularly during crew rest. Some have even had to see medical professionals about these issues.

The one common thread we can see, however, is that crew are not filing reports. 

Please note that the only way things will change, is if crew file reports on Centrik. Telling a colleague or mentioning it to your base lead or the union is not enough. In order to create real change, the company has to see the patterns in reporting as well.

Find more information on how to file a Centrik Report HERE


Benefits Updates

A survey was conducted to see what kind of benefits crew wanted the Union to try to get for them that is not already covered.

Most of the crew wanted more Transportation and Health/Fitness benefits.

Benefits Chair is currently looking into possibilities to see that those crew needs are met.


EAP Updates

 August 30th is Grief Awareness Day. 

With the loss of our colleague, Erik, I imagine that this is top of mind for a lot of crew. You may have lost other friends or loved ones and reminders of them can leave you with feelings of melancholy. 

EAP is here for you. We can provide you with confidential support in your time of need.

You can can contact the EAP by Phone: 1-800-424-2406 or 202-434-0560, Phone/Text/Whatsapp: 301-437-0390, or Email: [email protected]


Human Rights and Equity Updates

Your HRE MEC, Jhenelle Jacas, attended the CWA Human Rights Conference from August 11-14 in Houston, TX.

She also gave a workshop on Sex & Gender Identity in the Workplace to over 100 people, providing information and education to them about these issues.

You can read her report about the event HERE.


MEC Updates

Our Secretary-Treasurer, Ismael Ramos, has resigned from Norse Atlantic Airways effective August 28, 2024.

Ish has done a lot for us in his role as Secretary-Treasurer and while I’m sad to see him go, I know he’s making the best choice for himself.

We’re going to miss him dearly!

Please see the letter he wrote below to share with the crew:

??I am writing to notify of my resignation from my position as AFA Secretary Treasure/ interim Vice President at Norse Atlantic Airways, effective on August 28 ,2024. The journey and experiences during my time here have been invaluable. I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me to serve you and the chance to contribute to AFA Norse Atlantic Airways. Thanks??. I will miss everyone very much and hope our paths cross again in the future.

Yours Truly, 

Ish ????????

In accordance with AFA Bylaws, our current MEC will continue with just a President and Vice President in place until our next union election in 2026 with those two splitting the duties of Secretary-Treasurer.


Read the latest communication updates on our website:

August 2024 HRE Update:

CWA Human Rights Conference 2024 Report: 



You can find all our recent newsletters and information about the union and what we are working on at the Norse AFA website.
Visit the website today at

Sign up to receive important text alerts from your Norse AFA MEC by texting afanaa to 49484 or by clicking THIS LINK to register.

In Solidarity,

Ted & Ish