April 2024 HRE Update

Hello All,
Welcome to the April 2024 HRE Newsletter.
You can find a PDF version of this newsletter HERE:
In the month of April we acknowledge/celebrate the following:
Notable Dates In April
- March 10-April 9: Ramadan
- April 1: Easter Monday
- April 2: World Autism Awareness Day
- April 6: National Tartan Day
- April 6: International Asexuality Day
- April 8: International Roma Day
- April 22: Earth Day
- April 26: International Lesbian Visibility Day
- April 22-28: Lesbian Visibility Week
- April 22-30: Passover
Support The Cause
- Wear a teal ribbon with your AFA pin for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Support local Arab American , Roma, & Scottish American businesses
Climate Action Month
The theme for Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs Plastics.” The goal is to have a 60% reduction in all plastic production by 2040.
- Plan or join an Earth Day march or rally
- Host or join a community cleanup event
- Explore other local activities such as planting a pollinator garden or working in a community garden
Get more resources and ideas from the Earth Day Toolkit
If you are interested in hosting an Earth Day Activity or have one you would like to suggest, reach out to me at [email protected].
Pride At Work
Pride at Work is an important initiative that has a mission of seeking “full equality without restrictions or barriers for LGBTQIA+ individuals in our workplaces, unions, and communities, creating a Labor Movement that cherishes diversity, promotes inclusion, encourages openness, and ensures safety & dignity. We do this through education, alliances, and building solidarity across our large and diverse communities.”
They oppose all forms of bias and discrimination on the job, in our unions, and in the public square based on sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, immigration status, age, disability, HIV status, marital status, religion, or political views. They also seek to promote the ability of all working people to self-organize and act collectively to advance the power, needs, and interests of the working class in addition to the principles of justice, true democracy, and equality.
This is a very important initiative to be a part of, and we would love for you to sign up as a member. For more information about Pride At Work, head to prideatwork.org. Join today using THIS LINK.
Take These Important Surveys
Click the image to take the HRE survey
This survey allows you to tell us the issues that are important to you and helps give us some direction to focus on the causes that matter to our membership.
Click the image to take the Uniform Survey
This survey is about Uniform Gender Expression and seeks to identify how the crew feels about uniform choices, policies & guidelines at our airline and how it relates to their gender.
Building HRE Awareness and Membership
We are continuing to build our committee and so if you are interest in joining, please come to our Monthly HRE Call April 8, 2024 at 3 PM EST.
Thanks for reading!
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
You can find all our recent newsletters and information about the union and what we are working on at the Norse AFA website.
Visit the website today at norseafa.org
Sign up to receive important text alerts from your Norse AFA MEC by texting afanaa to 49484 or by clicking THIS LINK to register.
Jhenelle (she/her)
HRE & Communications Committee Chair
AFA Statement on AFGE-TSA Contract and Collective Bargaining Rights